More Information About Me

Simeon Peebler started out in the early 1980s programming his Commodore 64 and making his own games and music when he should have been doing "more appropriate" things. Flash forward to the present day; after years in game development and technology, he works as a game designer and programmer and has been working the last few years in teaching game design and game development at a leading digital arts college in Chicago Tribeca Flashpoint Academy In 2011, Simeon created Brain Bump, a trivia game for the Amazon Kindle. He also has been working on composing original music and songwriting (go to his songwriting site and hear his latest album).

Thursday, July 5, 2007 Reveals Online World Atlas

Check out the following site. This sort of coverage should be interesting to watch, especially as we study, build, and give life to new Virtual Worlds at Flashpoint Academy.

"Alongside our daily coverage of online worlds, is also building up a database of the major virtual worlds in this new Online World Atlas.

The virtual world guide, which will become the basis for the forthcoming Game Developer Research papers on virtual worlds, MMOs, and virtual items, includes information on the world, its payment model, key features, useful links, and a brief in-world guide, including exclusive screenshots and analysis on in-world interactions.

We're expecting to add approximately two worlds per week to the Online World Atlas, so check back often to see the latest specifics on a multitude of virtual environments."

1 comment:

cubedude89 said...

Ive tried runescape but I keep on burning my shrimp :( haha